By Rich Clayton

I interviewed Mr. Suchman about him going to North Dakota. But before I get into that we are going to learn about him a little. He went to Colby College, and majored in history. History is what he currently teaches for who ever didn’t know that. I didn’t get to ask him how long he had been teaching. He also played in a rock band. His sister is a teacher as well.

Now we can get into why he went to North Dakota. He went there because he wanted to bring supplies to the people who cares. Everyone who is part of the tribe that lives there are outraged because it’s not the Government’s land. Mr Suchman brought supplies to them like tons of blankets, propane heaters, and warm sleeping bags. I asked him how much money he spent and this was his answer, “My wife and I raised about three thousand dollars and spent about 1,500 out of my own pocket.” The pipelines are going through the clean water supply and ancient burial grounds. Over the 2016 summer the protesters grew to thousands of people.

I asked him how he got there, and his response was, “My wife and I flew on a plane to Bismarck and rented a car.” I also asked him how people he thought was there and he said that there was about 10,000 people. Suchman and his wife talked to a lot of people and participated in a boatload of events. I didn’t ask him what events he did but my guess would be something related to the Native American culture. There was one final question I was wondering from the moment I found out he went to North Dakota and that was, “Was it a scary situation for you and your wife?” His response was, “It wasn’t scary, but it was really strange. There were military equipment everywhere, drones, tanks, armoured cars, etc.”